

Because the coating is made of aluminum and not in the wrongly called fiberglass (its real name is fiberglass reinforced plastic GRP):

Don’t be fooled. Although it is true that the GRP itself has a lower thermal transmittance than aluminum, the caravans are not built of a single material, being aluminum only the outer coating, while in the caravans of fiberglass reinforced plastic (GRP) its entire structure is made of this material.

When we talk about thermal insulation, we must take into consideration the set of materials that make up its outer structure and that provide the caravan with a certain thermal conductivity. It is, therefore, a sandwich structure, composed of materials, in the case of Caravancol, of a very high thermal insulation capacity such as wood and high density polystyrene with a thermal conductivity of 0.02 K(W/mK) as opposed to GRP which is 0.06 K(W/mK).

You should also keep in mind that the greater the number of layers of insulating materials, the greater the thermal insulation you will obtain. In the case of Caravancol its structure is formed by an outer coating of aluminum composite panel, already insulating in itself and used in the cladding of facades of buildings to improve their energy efficiency, you will never see plastic used for this function, a layer of extruded polystyrene foam XPS high density of 30 mm, an inner aluminum plate that allows to control the temperature inside the cabin and a layer of natural bamboo wood on the roof or padded vinyl on the walls.

This powerful structure gives the Caravancol exceptional thermal insulation and a structural resistance far superior to that of any other material such as GRP, which is not very resistant to the torsions and vibrations to which a vehicle is subjected.

Why do all the major brands of caravans in their high-end vehicles use aluminum even though it is much more expensive than GRP?

There is only one answer: quality. It is true that building in GRP makes manufacturing costs much cheaper, but this is detrimental to the quality of the product.

If you had to choose between having an aluminum or plastic car, what would you decide? How many GRP windows have you seen compared to aluminum, when they are the main thermal barrier to the outside?

In addition in caravancol we use materials such as solid wood, high performance marine phenolic and stainless steel, many of the elements we use in the construction of our caravans are specific to professional and recreational boating, tested extensively in the most aggressive environments.

  • On the sides we use sandwich panel, aluminum on the outside and extruded polystyrene XPS high density of 30 mm inside with the vinyl that closes the insulating panel.
  • Roof and front box we use composite panel. It is composed of two aluminum sheets separated by 4 mm polyethylene. The composite panel is characterized by being a totally unbreakable material which protects our Caravancol from hail and other inclemencies.
  • In addition to the sides, roof and floor also have an insulating chamber of 30mm of extruded polystyrene XPS.
  • It is necessary to know that the insulation of a vehicle is not the material of the outer layer but the composition of the sandwich panel of the walls. Therefore, it is not relevant that the aluminum is conductive.
  • It is, therefore, the insulating material of a panel that insulates thermally and acoustically.
  • In this case we are talking about XPS, a material that has been used in construction for years because of its superior performance.

✅ Unbeatable weather resistance.

✅ Imperceptible discoloration over the years.

✅ Better transpiration.

✅ Elastic nature that makes it very difficult to break or crack in the event of a blow or accident.

✅ Less weight, greater lightness.

When all caravanners agree in recognizing how particularly insulated they are, there is a reason.

The main component of GRP is synthetic polyester resin (plastics) from heavy petroleum fractions. In a world where sustainability is a fundamental value, we must reduce the use of this type of product.

CaravanCol S.L.

C/ Gutierrez herrero nº 52
Avilés – 33402 – Asturias

Tel: (+34) 644 28 02 77 | Aviso Legal
Diseño Web Asturias: Infofuturo

CaravanCol is an Asturian company dedicated to the manufacture, sale and rental of mini caravans, this type of caravans with capacity for two people, have as advantages that they are lighter and cheaper than the traditional ones. They are ideal for camping, surfers, weekend trips, cyclotourists, etc.

On the other hand, in its Cargo version it can be used as a trailer to transport the material of your business, without the need to acquire a larger vehicle. Due to its striking design, it can also be used as a source of advertising for your business.

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